Well , I thought I was doing it , which is so funny , but I clearly wasn't , I was working out but I don't feel like I was putting in the effort like college . Exactly like college and also in practice , I thought practice was so important which it so is , but also how important it is to get into the weight room and to lift weight and move your body . And um yeah , it was a huge wake up call getting to college my freshman year and being like , ok , so this is what lifting is ?
Is that like , when other people are succeeding , that doesn't mean that , like , because I didn't do that , I'm not still doing good at other things . So , but that actually leads us into the question that was for you is what should somebody's workouts look like in high school and college ? Yeah , that again , I mean , it depends on your situation where you're living .
Yeah , that again , I mean , it depends on your situation where you're living . But I guess one of the biggest things for practicing and training is surrounding yourself with people who have either similar goals as you or people who are better you honestly because they will only make you better . Um I played at Wave Volleyball Club , shout out wave love those people love them .
I mean , how could you ? But in high school , um , it was just , it was pretty hard balancing the training schedule of practicing , like almost every single day after school to then having tournaments on the weekends , Saturday , Sunday , sometimes , both days . Um , while also trying to have a social life with my friends , um , from back home and not to say that I didn't , I , I spent plenty of time with my high school friends and had a great experience with them , but it was hard , like missing those birthday parties like that thing .
I never did it . Well , I thought I was doing it , which is so funny , but I clearly wasn't , I was working out but I don't feel like I was putting in the effort like college . Exactly like college and also in practice , I thought practice was so important which it so is , but also how important it is to get into the weight room and to lift weight and move your body .