Regular Guy Friday ep: 117: Maria's Pancreatic Tumor News Update

Um , but that's one of the things that annoys me . But , but the one thing I like is that it does give people the opportunity to not have a toxic boss and not have a toxic coworker and to make money on their own , which I love . And , um , and , yeah , and I think we , we went way too far in this country with kissing up to celebrities too .

Regular Guy Friday ep: 117: Maria's Pancreatic Tumor News Update

And perhaps , perhaps there's an argument that , you know , having pulled back , we could have gotten that same success or more . Um just by being more relaxed and being more rested or being healthier . And uh Kelsie , you know , we , we , we were sidebar before this because Kelsie and I are working on them a project together .

Regular Guy Friday ep: 117: Maria's Pancreatic Tumor News Update

No salt , which Kev actually mixes into his yogurt , sweet chili salt and pepper and my favorite seasoned salt . Whether you're working at your desk , watching TV , hitting the gym going for a run or you're just looking for a nutritious boost with delicious satisfaction . Wonderful pistachios are there to elevate your energy and keep you going strong .

Regular Guy Friday ep: 117: Maria's Pancreatic Tumor News Update

Yeah . Um , yeah , but I was reminding her , I was like , you know , if I've learned anything , you know , back in the day , you know , when we would , you know , say overwork and work like tons and tons of hours and do tons and tons of press and get up at six in the morning and , you know , work till like three in the morning and just drive all over the place . Just I , you know , when the pandemic hit , I was able to look back and I , I was like , I think all of that extra heavy lifting , we did only probably at best yielded a five or 10% greater return .

Regular Guy Friday ep: 117: Maria's Pancreatic Tumor News Update

Uh , you know , I hear a lot of complaining and I'm like , well , I , I , as someone who's worked construction and other jobs that , you know , I don't , and you don't even have a coworker . You don't even have like , a toxic boss . You don't even have , you know , or , or a co-host who's trying to take you out .