GDL House of Core

Just got a whole lot cooler . We have the lovely ladies of the house of Core on our a lovely couch . How are you ?

GDL House of Core

Thank you , congratulations so much . Um This is your camera right here , plug away and let people know how they can get involved with House of Support it . Support on Instagram , house support .

GDL House of Core

And so we collab with her . Um So yeah , so there'll be house of air socks . So you can never have enough , you can never have enough grip socks .

GDL House of Core

Um This is your camera right here , plug away and let people know how they can get involved with House of Support it . Support on Instagram , house support . You can pre register and not pre buy packages .

GDL House of Core

Oh my God . And thank you so much to the lovely ladies of the house of for being here and to all our beloved viewers . We'll see you all tomorrow and don't forget to check them out on Instagram .