Meditation & Searching for The Self | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Because the missing tourist was never lost . The missing tourist was part of the search party , right ? And so when you think about it from her point of view , like what happened , she's part of the search party , she's looking for the missing tourist , not knowing that she in fact is the missing tourist .

Meditation & Searching for The Self | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So it's like it's not true to say that the missing tourist was found in , in the way that was expected , right ? Because the missing tourist was never lost . The missing tourist was part of the search party , right ?

Meditation & Searching for The Self | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

The missing tourist was part of the search party , right ? And so when you think about it from her point of view , like what happened , she's part of the search party , she's looking for the missing tourist , not knowing that she in fact is the missing tourist . So what happens at the moment ?

Meditation & Searching for The Self | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And they can't find her . And so a search party is formed and the Asian woman because of the whatever language barrier um thought I heard that there was a missing tourist . So she joins the search party , which in fact is looking for her , right ?

Meditation & Searching for The Self | Dr. Sam Harris & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And obviously the whole thing unravels , she , you know , she confesses that she changed her clothes and you know , the the problem is solved , but the problem is not solved by the the logic that the seeker expected , right ? So it's like it's not true to say that the missing tourist was found in , in the way that was expected , right ? Because the missing tourist was never lost .