Right . And I know the suicide rates in the UK are soaring unfortunately right now , especially in the teenage years , which is obviously when you were affecting 12 at such a young age to start thinking about those things because , you know , two decades ago , yeah , that wasn't really , that sort of information wasn't as readily available as it is now . Right .
No , question about it . Um COVID certainly did not help in that respect and um suicide rates um were escalating quite a bit before COVID uh continue to do so . Uh depression is always um sort of seemingly on the rise and , you know , um that being said that also means , you know , to a large extent , people are suffering or becoming more sensitive and aware of their suffering at an earlier age and therefore the opportunity for awakening and for peace and love and joy is greater and happens earlier now than it ever did before as well , right ?
Right . So now as I see it , suicide is now on the sort of coping mechanism was born for kids right now , how do I cope ? I don't fit in or I'm not sure about something or I didn't get grades or I got dumped .
How do I cope better ? Well , self harming and suicide are quite firmly on that list with the how to videos on youtube and all sorts of things that we didn't have access to as , as Children . So , I mean , are you seeing this in the States as well ?
I did well , athletically , baseball and football and cross country . Um , and despite all that , my depression got worse and I got to a place where I was contemplating suicide daily dozens of times a day . Yeah .