S2 E18: Robert Mack - What's the Path to Inner Love & Happiness?Harmonizing Heart and Mind

Welcome back to the show . And today my guest is Robert Mack . Robert is an Ivy League educated positive psychology expert TV , producer and personality and published author .

S2 E18: Robert Mack - What's the Path to Inner Love & Happiness?Harmonizing Heart and Mind

And I learned a ton in the process . So that was probably over well , over two decades ago and , uh , my life has never been the same since , gosh , I mean , that's such a moving story for those people listening who have been suicidal . I know a lot of people that come on , my retreats have been and I have been , uh , uh , there was one incident in my life which completely turned my world completely upside down and I don't think you can really understand what that's like until you've been there .

S2 E18: Robert Mack - What's the Path to Inner Love & Happiness?Harmonizing Heart and Mind

Because with all that going on , most people would look at you , I guess and think , well , he's got everything to be happy about . Yeah , I think I started probably experiencing the suicidal ideation and 12 or 13 probably . And then , uh , you know , it seemed to get worse as time went on .

S2 E18: Robert Mack - What's the Path to Inner Love & Happiness?Harmonizing Heart and Mind

Despite all of that , I was depressed and suicidal , dug this knife in and without anything changing externally , I felt a peace and a kind of love and joy just wash over me and it was the kind of peace , love and joy that just felt unshakable and immovable and unreasonable , right ? And so I decided I was gonna postpone the suicide for like 10 or 15 minutes . It's so laughable now , you know , but then it was a big deal .

S2 E18: Robert Mack - What's the Path to Inner Love & Happiness?Harmonizing Heart and Mind

That's it for today's episode . Do head on over to coach Rob Mack dot com to find out all about Rob and the work he's doing . And I look forward to you joining me on my next , that's it for today's episode of Heartbreak to Happy .