S2 E18: Robert Mack - What's the Path to Inner Love & Happiness?Harmonizing Heart and Mind

You just nailed it and that's the entire , that entire field or science of adversity . And you know , we know that adversity causes us to stop , slow down and rep prioritize what's truly important in our lives . First and foremost .

S2 E18: Robert Mack - What's the Path to Inner Love & Happiness?Harmonizing Heart and Mind

Absolutely . And , and I'm a big believer that any kind of adversity can become your greatest strength . And I know that , you know , everything that I've been through and I know a lot of my listeners with their breakups and the heartbreak and the betrayal that maybe they've suffered all the abuse .

S2 E18: Robert Mack - What's the Path to Inner Love & Happiness?Harmonizing Heart and Mind

Um So there's great benefit in that . Um you know , the beautiful thing about adversity , including depression and suicidal . A is that it brings you to an awareness of what doesn't work isn't working with respect to happiness or peace or love um or joy , right ?

S2 E18: Robert Mack - What's the Path to Inner Love & Happiness?Harmonizing Heart and Mind

You know , you can survive it , right ? You just nailed it and that's the entire , that entire field or science of adversity . And you know , we know that adversity causes us to stop , slow down and rep prioritize what's truly important in our lives .

S2 E18: Robert Mack - What's the Path to Inner Love & Happiness?Harmonizing Heart and Mind

Because whichever way you look at it does , it , it doesn't change the fact of the situation that it's raining or there's no money in your bank account . But what it does is it increases your ability to maybe what feel better , which then puts you in a better position to do something about that . Right .