I uh family is a big part of my life and being close to them and seeing them every weekend is something that I really cherish and it , it really was a no brainer when I had the opportunity to come here . Just because everything really aligned with what I wanted to experience and what I wanted to do in college . One of the biggest differences in college versus high school is , uh how much film is watched and how much your actual reps are recorded in high school .
That was that the academics with the football culture , like you really can't get anything better . We won the national championship and the degree that you leave here with is gonna set you up for 4050 years . My brother goes here , my older brother and I'm , I live about an hour away .
And there was a mega camp at Fair State where there was like 30 D one schools there and Michigan was one of them . And I went to this camp , I had a lot of Ivy League offers , a lot of F CS offers , but I really wasn't talking to any big power five or F BS schools . Uh And I knew that this was gonna be my big break or like my big opportunity really get in front of some coaches because there were so many there .
Just because everything really aligned with what I wanted to experience and what I wanted to do in college . One of the biggest differences in college versus high school is , uh how much film is watched and how much your actual reps are recorded in high school . You'll watch game film and go over it and correct the mistakes .
Like even our walkthrough sometimes are on tape and we'll watch those . Um So just really like the , the minute details of every single thing that you get to watch over and see from a third point of view , really changed the game compared to high school . And I think that really um helped elevate everybody's skill and really speeds up the development process .