Yes , you're not purging food . You're purging up like your experiences and like past traumas and all that stuff . I mean , I haven't done it but I , I've asked her a million questions about it .
They don't . So great experience . Love construction .
Um And it said , interview 100 people to hit rock bottom and your answers will be in there and then write a book and then get back up on stage . And start talking about what you've learned after interviewing 100 people that hit rock bottom . So I'm , I'm on like 86 people now that I've hit rock bottom and I did get out of it um in three months after that experience .
What ? Like I mean , the things that have happened over the past , uh , past year are incredible . I mean , just like the people that we've come into contact with , the people that we've interviewed , the way the show is growing .
No , no , I've never had fraud before . This happened before . You're not getting any of those inside jokes .