GDL March 23, 2023

Wow , that's a huge difference . That's a big , and if you're hearing the voices behind us , we got Natasha , I always said , Natasha Graziano , we got Natasha Garzo coming into the studio , but Natasha Jim Phillips and a lovely Andy Waldman who always shakes his head and says , don't call me out but you have to because it's not just the two of us because we don't just do this on our own . It's a team effort and we love the team effort .

GDL March 23, 2023

I got Natasha in the building on March 24th , 2023 . We're so happy here in the studio with me , Natasha Andy Kyle . Kyle's mom .

GDL March 23, 2023

This is , and we have to go to another event together . Remember we went to the Natasha and she's coming to the studio today . Um , that , um , was the blue power ranger .

GDL March 23, 2023

Wow . I just , I really believe in you guys and what you're doing and Andy and Natasha . Oh , thanks .

GDL March 23, 2023

Bigger . There's Natasha and then I think you probably a couple more and then it's you , I gotta see . Oh wait , there's Dre you said ?