OZEMPIC: 206 - Exercising for longevity: strength, stability, zone 2, zone 5, and more | Peter Attia, M.D.

So cognition gets robbed of them and then eventually , you know , either they die or their body also breaks down and the way they go . But , but as I really reflected on what's going on , I think that for most people , the decline of mind body and then the burden of disease seems to be one by one in the wrong way , meaning body seems to fail first . So it got me thinking that at least for me , how would I mitigate that ?

OZEMPIC: 206 - Exercising for longevity: strength, stability, zone 2, zone 5, and more | Peter Attia, M.D.

Unfortunately , not that small , their mind is taken from them first . So cognition gets robbed of them and then eventually , you know , either they die or their body also breaks down and the way they go . But , but as I really reflected on what's going on , I think that for most people , the decline of mind body and then the burden of disease seems to be one by one in the wrong way , meaning body seems to fail first .

OZEMPIC: 206 - Exercising for longevity: strength, stability, zone 2, zone 5, and more | Peter Attia, M.D.

Because I think this is another thing I try to communicate to patients a lot , which is , it goes back to that idea of what I said about the gravity of aging , you know , what is aging kind of robbing you of as time goes on and you have got to fight like hell to avoid it . But basically , you look at multiple studies , they're gonna say mean , the lowest rate of decline that I could see is 1% per year , another study . And we , we , we can post these studies in the show notes , you know , 1.3% per year , others are sort of putting it 1 to 2% per year after 50 35 to 40% between age 2080 and the strength losses might even be greater , right ?

OZEMPIC: 206 - Exercising for longevity: strength, stability, zone 2, zone 5, and more | Peter Attia, M.D.

I'm gonna need to be able to do it at this level at 60 I need to be able to do it at this level today . Again , given the inevitable decline . So most of my training today , in fact , I would argue all of my training today centers around that I no longer train for anything that's not related to that .

OZEMPIC: 206 - Exercising for longevity: strength, stability, zone 2, zone 5, and more | Peter Attia, M.D.

So picking up a child then I've just been working backwards from there . Which saying , well , if I want to be able to do these things at 100 there's going to be a decline . I have to be able to do these things at 80 .