OZEMPIC: 206 - Exercising for longevity: strength, stability, zone 2, zone 5, and more | Peter Attia, M.D.

If someone said to me , Peter , my goal is to break two hours and 40 minutes on the Chicago Marathon next year , I would be talking about this in a totally different manner . That is a very difficult performance goal and that requires training at an energy system that I'm not even really gonna talk about in the context of longevity . If someone says I want to break 10 hours on the Iron Man , if someone says I want a dead lift 3.5 times my body weight , if you start to really look into the far recesses of amazing physical performance , everything I'm saying needs to be modified and I'm not going to talk about what those things look like .

OZEMPIC: 206 - Exercising for longevity: strength, stability, zone 2, zone 5, and more | Peter Attia, M.D.

And therefore , I think it's going to require much more deliberate attention around what your mind and body are doing at that point . Now that we've set the stage for what we're optimizing for with our exercise , these next two clips are going to focus on strength . One of the pillars in my framework for exercise .

OZEMPIC: 206 - Exercising for longevity: strength, stability, zone 2, zone 5, and more | Peter Attia, M.D.

So most of my training today , in fact , I would argue all of my training today centers around that I no longer train for anything that's not related to that . So I don't do any training that's related to racing or competing in anything , which is not to say it's bad to do those things . I'm just saying that that's the point I'm at in my life .

OZEMPIC: 206 - Exercising for longevity: strength, stability, zone 2, zone 5, and more | Peter Attia, M.D.

Again , given the inevitable decline . So most of my training today , in fact , I would argue all of my training today centers around that I no longer train for anything that's not related to that . So I don't do any training that's related to racing or competing in anything , which is not to say it's bad to do those things .

OZEMPIC: 206 - Exercising for longevity: strength, stability, zone 2, zone 5, and more | Peter Attia, M.D.

And I think a lot of people sometimes spend too little or too much time in this zone . And we want to kind of help you understand what that sweet spot might look like , assuming that you're not training specifically for athletic events that require unusual levels of fitness around that energy system . But again , if you're really just talking about being the fittest healthiest person you need to be to be kind of a kick ass 90 year old .