GDL Wes Geer

No , but , um , we now do 600 sessions a month with hundreds of treatment programs , bringing music into treatment programs . And , um , what we realize is like that recovery , any kind of recovery , whether , whether you're a wounded veteran mental health eating disorder , uh , addicted mother , it's a multi pronged approach . And so the more ways we can , the more , you know , hands we could put out in a metaphorical sense to people to have something to grasp onto the better chance of recovery .

GDL Wes Geer

This is the book . This is Rock Recovery . That's not me on the cover because that would be just too egotistical .

GDL Wes Geer

I'll take the coffee table for 1100 . Um Rock the Recovery . We're having our 10 year anniversary party .

GDL Wes Geer

And so we have to talk about it more and more . And so what we find in recovery in this era is like , people's darkest moments are actually the brightest light that attract others to be helped . You know what I mean ?

GDL Wes Geer

But we're also all about being open and honest and authentic . Um Talk to me about Rock to Recovery . I didn't know this .