Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Even if you're fasting , you're re upping your nutrients from stored sources within your body . The third thing is sunlight , morning , sunlight , in particular , I've done extensive episodes about this , check out the episode on lighting your health if you want all the details , but you want to try and view sunlight as early in the day as possible . 5 to 10 minutes on a clear day , minimum , 10 to 20 minutes on a cloudy day , minimum , 20 or 30 minutes on a very overcast day .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But yes , you want to face eastward towards the sun and on those cloudy days , that's especially important to do why ? Well , viewing morning sunlight increases cortisol early in the day , which is excellent because you want cortisol elevated early in the day and you want it lower later in the day . And because of the relationship between the cells in your eye , that sense sunlight , specifically morning sunlight , believe it or not , that happens and signal to your hypothalamus and the relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary and other endocrine organs .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Well , viewing morning sunlight increases cortisol early in the day , which is excellent because you want cortisol elevated early in the day and you want it lower later in the day . And because of the relationship between the cells in your eye , that sense sunlight , specifically morning sunlight , believe it or not , that happens and signal to your hypothalamus and the relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary and other endocrine organs . It sets in motion .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But today we're talking about dopamine . So yes , believe it or not , that morning sunlight exposure does increase your levels of dopamine , not just cortisol . And fourth on the list is going to be movement , exercise of varying kinds , be resistance training could be cardiovascular training that does increase levels of dopamine .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Look off slightly off from the sun . But yes , you want to face eastward towards the sun and on those cloudy days , that's especially important to do why ? Well , viewing morning sunlight increases cortisol early in the day , which is excellent because you want cortisol elevated early in the day and you want it lower later in the day .