Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Second , there are practices that are supported by the scientific literature to increase your baseline level of dopamine that are independent of sleep but are similar to sleep . And I like to refer to these as a non sleep , deep rest . This is not meditation .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Those have been shown to increase the amount of dopamine in your dopamine reserves by up to 65% which is a remarkable number . So quality sleep , non sleep , deep breath A K A Yogan Ira , very powerful ways to keep your baseline level of dopamine at a sufficient level . In addition to that nutrition , no doubt plays a role in your baseline level of dopamine .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

There is a place for meditation in the context of today's discussion , but I'll repeat meditation itself is a focusing exercise . It is not known to increase dopamine , however , non sleep deep breaths , so called NSDR . Very similar .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Very similar . Although different to what's sometimes called yoga Nidra , which is where you lie there . You do a sort of body scan , some long exhale , breathing NSDR is very similar .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And I like to refer to these as a non sleep , deep rest . This is not meditation . There's actually very little evidence that meditation of the traditional kind of , you know , sitting eyes closed , third eyes , focusing on your third eye center , which is this area behind your forehead .