Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Everything from particular cheeses like Parmesan cheese has high levels of tyrosine , uh certain meat , certain nuts , certain vegetables without getting into details and specifics . You can find those there , but you need proper nutrition and therefore nutrients in particular tyro . In order to have sufficient levels of baseline dopamine the third thing on the list .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So quality sleep , non sleep , deep breath A K A Yogan Ira , very powerful ways to keep your baseline level of dopamine at a sufficient level . In addition to that nutrition , no doubt plays a role in your baseline level of dopamine . Because tyrosine , the amino acid is the rate limiting enzyme for the synthesis of dopamine .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But really , every 24 hours , we re need to re up our sleep , we need to re up our nutrients . Even if you're fasting , you're re upping your nutrients from stored sources within your body . The third thing is sunlight , morning , sunlight , in particular , I've done extensive episodes about this , check out the episode on lighting your health if you want all the details , but you want to try and view sunlight as early in the day as possible .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

You might be able to skip a day here or there if you get sick or you're traveling or you have some major life event . But really , every 24 hours , we re need to re up our sleep , we need to re up our nutrients . Even if you're fasting , you're re upping your nutrients from stored sources within your body .

Improve Your Baseline Dopamine for Motivation & Drive | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Because tyrosine , the amino acid is the rate limiting enzyme for the synthesis of dopamine . Tyrosine is present in varying levels in different foods . You can look those up online .