Eddie Bravo's Intense Story About Almost Getting Robbed

Let me just get off on Santa Monica got off on Santa Monica and then you make a left and you go under the freeway and there's the chevrons on the right and I'm , and I'm pulling up to it . The gas station main part is closed but the , the pumps are still open but you could tell it's closed and I pull up and I , and I drive in and I see two dudes with hoodies on holding like bags like 20 yards away . Me as I pull in as I'm pulling in and you know , you know , when you get you , you know , when you , when you get a new car , it takes you forever to figure out how to lock the door .

Eddie Bravo's Intense Story About Almost Getting Robbed

Ok ? Let me put gas . I open the door and as soon as I opened the door and I walk out , this dude pops up , boom , right in front of my car and starts walking .

Eddie Bravo's Intense Story About Almost Getting Robbed

I almost got fucking , I almost got killed . I was , I never get gas like late because like you're a sitting duck at a gas station , you're a sitting duck . If someone's waiting for you , they're gonna get you and I never get gas late at night .

Eddie Bravo's Intense Story About Almost Getting Robbed

I'm like , God damn it . You don't want to get gas in downtown in midnight . So I'm like , how far am I gonna make it ?

Eddie Bravo's Intense Story About Almost Getting Robbed

I'm like , where's your fucking screeching que you , dude ? And I drove away and I barely made it to another gas station up on like uh Morocco or whatever is like by sunset , dude , they almost had me doc , they almost fucking had me if I should never ever drive at night . You know what ?