Matt Taibbi Surprised by FBI & Twitter's Collusion; Russiagate Info in Twitter Files

Has anything been surprising to you ? Um AAA little bit II , I think going into it , I , I thought that the , um , that the relationship between the security agencies , like the FBI and the DH S and companies like Twitter and Facebook . I thought it was a little bit less formal .

Matt Taibbi Surprised by FBI & Twitter's Collusion; Russiagate Info in Twitter Files

Um And this is the , this is the House Intelligence Committee . Uh you would think they would have better uh operational security . Another moment that was shocking to me , there was a , um there's an email from an FBI agent uh named Elvis Chan in San Francisco to Twitter and they're setting up this signal group , uh which is going to include all the top sort of censorship executives at all the big companies .

Matt Taibbi Surprised by FBI & Twitter's Collusion; Russiagate Info in Twitter Files

At the time , he wrote a memo uh basically saying , we think they , they faked FISA applications . We think the FBI used the steel dossier to try to get surveillance authority against some Trump people like Carter Page and we think they lied and cheated to do that . And so he submitted this classified memo and not only was he denounced everywhere as a liar and wrong and all that .

Matt Taibbi Surprised by FBI & Twitter's Collusion; Russiagate Info in Twitter Files

It could , it can be easily get out like that . They're so comfortable with the idea that the government should be involved in this censorship of what turns out to be true information , especially when in regards to the Hunter Biden laptop , that they would be so comfortable that they would just send it in emails . Yeah .

Matt Taibbi Surprised by FBI & Twitter's Collusion; Russiagate Info in Twitter Files

They have , um , a really intense structure , uh , that they've worked out over a period of years where they have regular meetings . Um , they have a system where the DH S handles , um , you know , censorship requests that come up from the , the States and the FBI handles the international ones and they all float all these companies and , um , it's a big bureaucracy and we , I don't think we expected to see that . It's very bizarre to me that they , that they would just openly call for censorship in emails and these private transmissions but the ones that are easily duplicated , you could send them to other people .