And there's lots of science behind all of it to tell us or at least give us some guidance and direction on what can lead to a happier life , what can lead to a more successful life and what doesn't right on ? Um How do you feel like happiness can , can happiness be controlled ? I think that's a big one that , you know , we have spirits of moments of it .
It's much more malleable than that . So you can actually change your happiness level , um , just through applied effort , but it's so difficult to , you know , take , it's easier to set it done and take these thoughts out of my head . You know , if I'm going through something financially or um , a relationship or whatever , how do you , what's some tips on , you know , I guess distracting yourself from those things or moving your mindset to a different area .
It's not that attractive . People are seen as happier . It's that when you get happy , you're seen as perceived as experienced as more attractive , right ?
On average than unhappy people , happier people experience less job burnout . I mean , in all ways happiness makes for a much healthier and wealthier and even more loving life . No , I think that that um connotation of marriage , it kind of paint a picture that , oh , it's gonna fix everything we're gonna be happy once we do this , uh we should kind of rush into that thing .
So that brought me a little bit of solace . And then as I continued doing the research I would like , read what was supposed to help people feel happier . And then I'd try it , like I'd practice it every day and I'd write it down and I'd track it and if it worked I would keep it in this little journal .