Regular Guy Friday ep. 122: How Childhood Traumas Rule Adulthood Reactions

Anyway , you guys , we're gonna get to the Gary . Hey , you guys , it's regular guy Friday . Yes , we fooled him again .

Regular Guy Friday ep. 122: How Childhood Traumas Rule Adulthood Reactions

I will do that , Kev . Um , so for you listeners , many of , you know , this is regular guy Friday . This is not Heel Squad Monday through Thursday .

Regular Guy Friday ep. 122: How Childhood Traumas Rule Adulthood Reactions

Friday . Friday is the day of the people . Saturday is for the , the , what do we say ?

Regular Guy Friday ep. 122: How Childhood Traumas Rule Adulthood Reactions

Kelsey , would you please give our Heel squad audience ? The , the Now Friday disclaimer . I will do that , Kev .

Regular Guy Friday ep. 122: How Childhood Traumas Rule Adulthood Reactions

You're on a regular guy . Friday . Friday is the day of the people .