Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

It's about activities . The second thing is really about happiness being what you think . And so that's about learning to tell the better feeling story based in truth .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

People turn out to be the most authentically selfless people , right ? So believe it or not , you know , happiness is our gift to the world . And the happiest people in the world , they donate the most money , they're the most charitable , they're the most generous , they don't like the most blood , right ?

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

The goal of this show is to share insights , help to lift and inspire others and deliver practical , meaningful and actionable content . Where does happiness come from ? Do you attach happiness to external things ?

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

No question about that . The interesting thing too is that happiness also increases our gratitude , which is interesting , right ? So it's this positive feedback loop .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

Anything you wanna talk about brother . So in that book , you describe eight principles for realizing unconditional happiness and achieving the success that comes with it . I'd like to geek out if we can on the science first and talk about brain chemistry .