Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

It seemed like this life proposition was a really bad idea overall . So after some time , I have discovered the real root of it all though was which is overthinking . I was just a ruminated to no end , I would think and think and think and the mind is a bit of a maze .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

So after some time , I have discovered the real root of it all though was which is overthinking . I was just a ruminated to no end , I would think and think and think and the mind is a bit of a maze . And if you think you're gonna find happiness by figuring out that maze of your mind , you're just probably pre paving a very miserable journey and a miserable destination for yourself .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

So you just learn to tell these stories . The third piece and I'll keep it short is learning not to think at all . So we often think that we'll find happiness by doing things or buying desirable products or goods or services or by just thinking our way there .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

It's a consistency over the intensity and it's just being more in the experience than the story in your head . So it's learning to think , less , feel more , think less , enjoy more . And that doesn't mean you have to fight thoughts , stop thoughts , delete thoughts .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

If you don't fight it , I promise it'll seem to pass by more quickly , they'll stay for shorter periods of time . And you also notice that the painful negative thinking and thoughts will be less in 10 every time because you're creating a little space between yourself and these thoughts and these stories . And then suddenly what you think is the problem either dissolves itself or you find a solution to it or in some cases , um you know , you're able to continue to live your life despite the problem , right ?