Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

So I , I there's two things that I'm thinking about at this moment . One of those is you , you were able to recognize the depression at a very early age . And I , I don't know if you had the language to be able to articulate it yet .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

You know , you're right at the age of four or five , I didn't have the language really much for anything . Um , and I certainly didn't know what depression was . I just knew that I hated being in my own skin .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

So that hour of postponing my suicide bled into several hours . And now I look back two decades later and I am blown away that so much can be accomplished in a relatively short period of time , at least for me because I thought that suicidal ideation , depression , stress anxiety was something that you would have to live with forever . What a a powerful story .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

I , my story started really with suicide and depression . I was deeply depressed . I remember being depressed at four or five years of age .

Business Minds Coffee Chat with Robert Mack | Ep. #30

So my wife is an artist and I've just learned through conversation with her about some very famous artists who are no longer living . But let's say some of the , some of the masters who we've , we've learned were many were depressed , maybe they were alcoholics and some suicidal . And yet the creative energy and the , the , the body of work that they were able to create is , is remarkable .