GDL Craig Scime

You used to act . But now , now the pressure is on , it's like a supporting role and they're like , you have to act . I'm like , uh-oh , you know , I haven't acted in a while , like , you don't act in a while .

GDL Craig Scime

I wanted to be a host , my thing . And then somebody just asked me to be in a movie . Uh a feature a couple months ago and they said , I think you could do that .

GDL Craig Scime

We almost got our record . What are you watching on Fox Kids ? I'm like , oh , yeah .

GDL Craig Scime

Yeah . So , but to be brought on stage and sing like new kids on the block had a bunch of kids . I mean , that's the number one song .

GDL Craig Scime

But now , now the pressure is on , it's like a supporting role and they're like , you have to act . I'm like , uh-oh , you know , I haven't acted in a while , like , you don't act in a while . Like , it's like , like , so grab a coach .