I was bit by the bug but I didn't , there was no real bug . I was , I literally was starting my own production company in my parents' basement . I had the Michelle , the Michelle show .
And then I was coming down here to visit Andy and see what you guys do . I got to meet you guys last week and then to see the production that's happening here . I mean , Los Angeles at its finest .
Yeah , I don't know what it was anyway . Um , and then I would create commercials and I would film commercials in my backyard and in Silver Maryland back also . Yeah .
And it was work and I was really excited . It was my very first produced series and , um I had this guy in mind , um , and he got the part or I didn't , I had a guy in mind of what he was like , I didn't submit . I didn't even know this .
Powered the whole thing . It's great for production too . This is good stuff .