So understanding that it's a process like you're gonna have challenges at all points of your career . Um But recently some challenges that I've had to overcome is my first year , my first year being here for at UCLA , I actually got hurt in a car accident and um unfort very unfortunate , obviously , adversity is adversity , but like that hitting me like it was just , this is my first year of playing football . Um now , um , um , I haven't had any experience .
I've only been able to do spring ball and that's it . And , uh , obviously that took a toll on like me because me being hurt , I can't do the thing that I love . I can't do , I can't provide the way I wanna provide for my family , you know , so breaking my leg actually put me into like a , a state to where like I just wanted to be closed off from everybody , didn't wanna be close .
And , uh , obviously that took a toll on like me because me being hurt , I can't do the thing that I love . I can't do , I can't provide the way I wanna provide for my family , you know , so breaking my leg actually put me into like a , a state to where like I just wanted to be closed off from everybody , didn't wanna be close . Um Didn't want to leave the house .
Um So just from that , from all that I took me coming back more personal . So the challenge that challenge brought me the chance to bring to come back to football and be and take it more personal . Take more like , well , this is something I'm given every day .
And as you keep doing that , the process becomes easier and easier , you become more fluent in what you're doing because you , your intent is always there , your mind is on what you're doing . So , um to put me at an advantage during my practices . I like to focus .