What are my teammates doing is my teammates doing something that I like , I might just do what they're doing is my teammates doing something I don't like , I'll use that as an example and um say that's probably something that's not for me . You know , I started getting recruited as a sophomore out of high school . Um I had just bought our , our old team had just lost in the playoffs like round two .
It's all , it's all a process . So understanding that it's a process like you're gonna have challenges at all points of your career . Um But recently some challenges that I've had to overcome is my first year , my first year being here for at UCLA , I actually got hurt in a car accident and um unfort very unfortunate , obviously , adversity is adversity , but like that hitting me like it was just , this is my first year of playing football .
I could go be a doctor , I could go be a , you know , you could do all of those things . It's just all about applying yourself , you know .
Um I had just bought our , our old team had just lost in the playoffs like round two . And our head coach decided to take a new job and we instantly got a new head coach who first came in . We instantly got a new head coach who first came in and , uh , he just asked all the guys like , who's the guy on the team , who's the guy on the team ?
Um Ask them about their selves . Also provide , provide these coaches with like what you can do for them . So if you , if you come up to a coach and you telling them that this is what I can help you do and this is my goals and this is my plan to help you .