But if you were , I'm just like , I'm just going with you . I'm just thrown by Rihanna right now and uh I hear it's a very polarizing topic and it still is . I don't understand why she did .
Two reporters . Well , I mean , I liked how you brought up the Rihanna stuff yesterday . How you were like , oh , yeah , like there's been some shade thrown her away .
Where have you been all our life ? Play the Rihanna song . Where have you been on ?
Just look over there . That's not Rihanna , is it ? That's not the right song .
Everyone looked beautiful and red and pink that I I think so . Um Zara and Krista Hope she actually gave her a Rihanna song to say like um you know , she was ready to like throw it down that I would never expect that story . You don't remember when Zara like you don't remember when this , I mean this is about Zara and Crystal .