GDL Feb 15, 2023

I can walk there . Utter another word that solidifies me in any sort of position . Will you go ?

GDL Feb 15, 2023

They like , I love this on so many levels because so Marissa is no longer with her husband . But look at the friendship there and I , like , listen , I think every relationship , whether it's for five years , two months , three months , forever like , you know , I think the love that still , like you should honor and cherish the love that was there because I think , you know , um , I'm not so quick to throw away things . I think it's , unless it's unhealthy , I have to , like , step , step aside .

GDL Feb 15, 2023

Why is so weird ? I think women like men that put effort into their appearance . Sometimes not all the time .

GDL Feb 15, 2023

It only last for like uh a couple of Christmas for me um with that . But then I really embraced like the gratitude of season and the whole purpose of the season and it wasn't just a party . I understood where my mom was coming from and , um , yeah , it was really special .

GDL Feb 15, 2023

I spend a lot of , a lot . I'm ready . I spend a lot of money on the fruit and vegetables .