Um , but yeah , so that's kind of it . It's not , the adoption process is a lot more in depth . Oh , yes .
They can send a check to our PO box . No , they can come by our adoption event . This Saturday .
A lot of people struggle with it . When I took over in the beginning of the year , we created it a little bit different where fosters can meet the adopters now and keep in touch with them and make sure they're comfortable with it before . We weren't like that .
Yeah , he's so far a good fit . We make sure you can come to adoption events that you have your own car because a lot of times people want to foster an Uber and then when an emergency happens they don't want to get to the vet or they complain about getting to the vet and they want reimbursement . So it's , you know , you have to be , you have to get your own transportation .
Do you notice that the moms like that ? Just had puppies have trouble getting adopted out or are they ? Ok .