Tony Woods' Possible Encounter with Bigfoot

I was worried by the other animals . So that dude seen Bigfoot before . I don't know if he's seen it before , but he just said he don't .

Tony Woods' Possible Encounter with Bigfoot

So you guys were out there and like , explain to me what happened and , and who was telling you that ? It's Bigfoot ? Well , we all heard it when everybody's like , what the fuck ?

Tony Woods' Possible Encounter with Bigfoot

They , all these fuckers just , they just did a little mass exodus . And it's a , it's a very skeptical of Bigfoot . I've never seen him but I never heard anything like that either .

Tony Woods' Possible Encounter with Bigfoot

The Joe Rogan experience on that show . I tell a joke about Bigfoot . I never saw Bigfoot but I was , when we were , we were on training , you do these training where you go make maps and all this shit .

Tony Woods' Possible Encounter with Bigfoot

So we just kind of went and got all our markers and went back to the base because we , we're out , dude , we're out like 20 miles . Oh , you have to make it there with Bigfoot . Well , I wasn't really worried about Bigfoot because from according to that dude , Bigfoot don't bother you .