Advice for 15-18 year olds #garyvee #shorts

The shit they didn't do at 2030 that they wanted to because they thought they were supposed to or their mommy made them do it or society told us I get it . But if you're a musician , if you want to be a stay at home dad , if you want to coach Little League , whatever it is at this age for the next 20 years , nothing but that and then if you didn't have the talent , if it didn't bounce your way , if you weren't good enough , if it just didn't click , then at the ripe age of 33 you can go get a regular job .

Advice for 15-18 year olds #garyvee #shorts

They need to be high risk . They need to follow their actual dream . Actually , they need to mitigate regret .

Advice for 15-18 year olds #garyvee #shorts

None . None . It's a big passion of mine .

Advice for 15-18 year olds #garyvee #shorts

When you're like 1516 , you don't realize that you're not even born yet . They literally are sitting there thinking they're getting close to having to have their shit figured out kids . I got a big one for you .

Advice for 15-18 year olds #garyvee #shorts

You know how your parents and teachers are telling you like you gotta get fucking focused . You gotta figure out your shit . You're not gonna believe this .