Ep 3: Happiness, the Most Important Life Goal (ft. Rob Mack) | Be It Till You See It

And I'm really , really excited before . Um I tell you more about this interview and Robert , I do wanna let you know that this episode does deal with suicide . Um And because of that , I really want to make sure it's important that you know , that there are resources out there .

Ep 3: Happiness, the Most Important Life Goal (ft. Rob Mack) | Be It Till You See It

Um So thanks for having me first of all . Um So I'm Rob Mack , I'm happiness coach , um a published author , a TV personality and a producer and um also like a recovering unhappy person , a recovering uh suicidal person . I was suicidal for a large period of my life .

Ep 3: Happiness, the Most Important Life Goal (ft. Rob Mack) | Be It Till You See It

Today's guest is um well , I just can't even wait to get into it . But um his name is Robert Mack and his story is nothing short of incredible and inspiring but full of so many tips . Like when Robert and I were talking , he's like , I like to speak in bullet points .

Ep 3: Happiness, the Most Important Life Goal (ft. Rob Mack) | Be It Till You See It

Everyone I am so honored , like , truly honored to bring our next guest uh into your ears today . This is Rob Mac , uh Robert Mack . You'll find him on Instagram and all the things I met him through a friend at an event .

Ep 3: Happiness, the Most Important Life Goal (ft. Rob Mack) | Be It Till You See It

Well , I think we probably should start a little bit at the beginning . Like , what when you were , um when you were suicidal , obviously that didn't happen . Thank goodness because we're here today to hear your story .