Ep 3: Happiness, the Most Important Life Goal (ft. Rob Mack) | Be It Till You See It

Thank you for pressing play on this podcast today . You could be listening to anything and you chose to listen to this which tells me that you are wanting so much to make yourself the priority in your life . And that is awesome .

Ep 3: Happiness, the Most Important Life Goal (ft. Rob Mack) | Be It Till You See It

Number one , make happiness the most important goal in your entire life . Like if you can prioritize that , I promise you that everything else will take care of itself . So that that's number one , number two is recognize that happiness is always inside and it can be found first through positive thinking or really telling a better story based on truth about everything and everybody in your life .

Ep 3: Happiness, the Most Important Life Goal (ft. Rob Mack) | Be It Till You See It

My friends , action brings clarity and it's the antidote to fear . Each week , my guest will bring bold executable , intrinsic and targeted steps that you can use to put yourself first and be it till you see it . It's a practice .

Ep 3: Happiness, the Most Important Life Goal (ft. Rob Mack) | Be It Till You See It

So please know that . Ok , so when you're making excuses as to why you shouldn't do the thing that you're wanting to do or make time for yourself or you're feeling a little bit selfish . I need you to remember .

Ep 3: Happiness, the Most Important Life Goal (ft. Rob Mack) | Be It Till You See It

I want people to hear it like you don't want to spend this very short life chasing temporary things that there's a huge danger in that . And actually , if you can turn it around , if you can stand , you can just prioritize like this happiness that's on the inside , you'll find that the successful things that you're after , whether it's health or relationships or money or more recognition , it shows up with so much less energy , time and effort . And so that's the one thing I just want to remind folks of because that's a point you made a remark you made .