And today we have a fantastic special guest all the way from Miami . Rob , Mac Rob . Thank you so much for spending time with us here today .
Yeah . So I've enjoyed having this food for thought this evening with you , Rob and I really appreciate it and I look forward to having more conversations with you and everyone I suggest you go and check Rob out , you'll find him on the website coach Rob Mack dot com and you'll find him on Instagram and the usual social media platforms , full of positivity , full of a great message . Go read his book , you learn something new every day .
Um Yes . So I'll give you the pr friendly intro and then I'll give you the Rob friendly intro . So , you know , I'm a positive psychology expert and a celebrity happiness coach and the author of Happiness from the Inside Out .
Welcome to you version two podcast with me , your host , Brendan mcauley . And today we have a fantastic special guest all the way from Miami . Rob , Mac Rob .
I'd like to ask Robert to finish the phrase I am with whatever you want to finish it with . So Robert Mack , I am . That's it .