Luke Combs on Learning to Play Guitar at 21 and the Moment that Led Him to Music

I'm thinking , ok , well , I only thought the only option was to be a music teacher in my head . I'm going , well , that's the only option is to be a music teacher . And I , I don't want to be a music teacher because I'm really bad .

Luke Combs on Learning to Play Guitar at 21 and the Moment that Led Him to Music

The Joe Rogan experience in my brain . I'm thinking , ok , well , I only thought the only option was to be a music teacher in my head . I'm going , well , that's the only option is to be a music teacher .

Luke Combs on Learning to Play Guitar at 21 and the Moment that Led Him to Music

I'm going , well , that's the only option is to be a music teacher . And I , I don't want to be a music teacher because I'm really bad . Like , I , I can't read music .

Luke Combs on Learning to Play Guitar at 21 and the Moment that Led Him to Music

There was only like eight students in the class and all it is , was advanced . Like , here's the notes here's this , I tried out for Allstate chorus three years in high school and didn't make it because you had to be able to read , you had to do a sight singing audition , which is where they would hand you a piece of sheet music and you had to sing it just by reading the notes on there . Right .

Luke Combs on Learning to Play Guitar at 21 and the Moment that Led Him to Music

I just sat on the porch when I wasn't at work , playing , playing , playing because I knew I loved to sing and I was like , well , I'll just learn how to play and then I can sing at like , parties for my buddies or whatever and taught myself all year . And then just kind of became obsessed with like learning how to play . And by the time I was 22 I'm back in school , I'm in Boone hanging out with my buddies .