GDL March 24, 2023

I love that you want , we want to know like , so you were recently on dating deal breakers , right ? You're dating differently , dating different . All the , we're gonna play a game , like , and we're gonna play a game with you in a moment .

GDL March 24, 2023

She is AAA woman in media and she has her own media company and then Sonali is killing it . She was just on dating differently . Um all about how she dates differently because of uh her decisions and her choices um to wait until a marriage .

GDL March 24, 2023

That would be really fun . Uh , but what was it like going on dating differently ? So they found me , it's a British production company .

GDL March 24, 2023

She was just on dating differently . Um all about how she dates differently because of uh her decisions and her choices um to wait until a marriage . Yeah .

GDL March 24, 2023

They're ghosting me just because I won't have premarital . So hold on , let me the dating different guy . He was very interested in you .