Do Ice Baths Improve Sperm Health & Fertility? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Therefore , reducing temperature is good . Likewise , with females , deliberate cold exposure can be good for the overall fertility process . Not because cold is good for the ovary or being cold is good for the ovary or for luteinizing hormone or for follicle stimulating hormone or anything else like that .

Do Ice Baths Improve Sperm Health & Fertility? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So ease into it , be safe . But it does appear that both for men for reasons I talked about a few minutes ago and for women that deliberate cold exposure can be beneficial for fertility and for hormone production . But in particular for females , in terms of regulating cortisol and for hormone production .

Do Ice Baths Improve Sperm Health & Fertility? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So these are positive yet indirect effects . So if you're a woman who really um is interested in exploring deliberate cold exposure or who enjoy or is already doing it , and you're wishing to conceive great , explore it , do it safely , of course , but explore it and continue to do it . However , if you're somebody who just hates the cold and doesn't want to go anywhere near it , there's no reason to think that you absolutely need it provided that your stress , your sleep and other factors are all being carried out properly .

Do Ice Baths Improve Sperm Health & Fertility? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So they're not just temperature related . It's pretty clear that using deliberate cold exposure can be healthy for the sperm because of the ways not that cold directly supports testosterone or sperm quality , but rather because cold reduces heat . Ok .

Do Ice Baths Improve Sperm Health & Fertility? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Again , you can find that at Huberman lab dot com , we did a guest episode with an expert on the use of cold for health and performance with my colleague Craig Heller from Stanford Department of Biology . We also have a tool kit on how to apply deliberate cold exposure for health , for both females and for males , for sports , performance , cognitive performance , mood sleep , et cetera . You can find all that again .