Do Ice Baths Improve Sperm Health & Fertility? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Now , there there are fewer data to look to unfortunately . But what we do know is that deliberate cold exposure done in the way that I just described 1 to 3 minutes a day . Ideally early in the day through cold shower immersion up to the neck doesn't have to be an ice bath .

Do Ice Baths Improve Sperm Health & Fertility? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So a lot of interesting data coming out in really good journals that are peer reviewed and so on in humans . I should mention those studies are done in humans to support the use of deliberate cold exposure . But again , if you're going to use deliberate cold exposure to improve sperm quality , can it work ?

Do Ice Baths Improve Sperm Health & Fertility? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Ok . Well , now there's a lot of data starting to come out about the positive effects , the positive biological effects of deliberate cold exposure on different aspects of brain biology , such as the release of dopamine and norepinephrine and on the biology of the body to some extent metabolism . But more so the impact on brown fat stores , which are good for us so called brown fat thermogenesis .

Do Ice Baths Improve Sperm Health & Fertility? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Again , you can find that at Huberman lab dot com , we did a guest episode with an expert on the use of cold for health and performance with my colleague Craig Heller from Stanford Department of Biology . We also have a tool kit on how to apply deliberate cold exposure for health , for both females and for males , for sports , performance , cognitive performance , mood sleep , et cetera . You can find all that again .

Do Ice Baths Improve Sperm Health & Fertility? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So ease into it , be safe . But it does appear that both for men for reasons I talked about a few minutes ago and for women that deliberate cold exposure can be beneficial for fertility and for hormone production . But in particular for females , in terms of regulating cortisol and for hormone production .