Farah Lipetz

I've fractured both both of my heels and I blew out my knee . So I think those challenges really helped me fight through adversity and really helped me keep pushing . And I think if I didn't keep pushing , then I wouldn't have that fight in me and it wouldn't bring it over to the competition field .

Farah Lipetz

Um Along with that , I wanted to talk about knowing that everything happens for a reason . So if you make a mistake along the way , if you get injured along the way , everything does happen and will happen for a reason , if you know what that reason is great . If not , it's ok but everything does happen for that reason .

Farah Lipetz

And if you just keep pushing and keep wanting to achieve that goal , then that's going to help you in the long run . So I think those were the biggest challenges I've had to face . Yeah .

Farah Lipetz

So something big , My freshman year was comparing myself to others when I was performing and I looked at my upper classman and I looked at the people more experienced than I was and I was seeing them succeed , maybe how I wanted to succeed when I wasn't performing to the best of my abilities . And I think if you compare yourself to others , it's gonna bring you down . So if you just run your own race and you stay on track to what you wanna do , that's gonna ultimately lead you to success .

Farah Lipetz

And I think if I didn't keep pushing , then I wouldn't have that fight in me and it wouldn't bring it over to the competition field . So I think those challenges really shaped who I am as an athlete and as a person . And if you just keep pushing and keep wanting to achieve that goal , then that's going to help you in the long run .