Farah Lipetz

So , yeah . So I've had a few injuries in my past . I fractured my back .

Farah Lipetz

I fractured my back . I've fractured both both of my heels and I blew out my knee . So I think those challenges really helped me fight through adversity and really helped me keep pushing .

Farah Lipetz

Um Along with that , I wanted to talk about knowing that everything happens for a reason . So if you make a mistake along the way , if you get injured along the way , everything does happen and will happen for a reason , if you know what that reason is great . If not , it's ok but everything does happen for that reason .

Farah Lipetz

But if you're not prioritizing your body and your health outside of practice , then it's not going to come to fruition during the competition . So I think if I have a really great diet and if I keep my nutrition up to par and if I'm prioritizing my body and my injuries , that really helps me seeing my trainer is great because communicating with her just helps me get my injuries ratified and just helps me be the best I could be . So , yeah .

Farah Lipetz

So I've had a few injuries in my past . I fractured my back . I've fractured both both of my heels and I blew out my knee .