But I feel like it's so true , like , especially now in society , right ? You have to keep on reinventing seeing opportunities , meeting people , making connections , making connections . Don't you think making connections is like the most important thing after COVID ?
And , you know , people say all the time , I don't like change , I don't like change , but the reality is change is really good . Um It is uncomfortable , it is really hard , but it's when good things happen and , and you learn so much about yourself . Absolutely .
I would love a woman ? A woman gives me three choices . One .
It's like if you are yourself from the get go and someone actually wants to meet you , they're gonna then in person be like , you only can go up from there . You know , it's like a picture and like a few responses to some ridiculous questions , you're only going to go up from there in person , you know , if you are setting accurate expectations . And so people who are like trying to present some version of themselves and it's like , just be your authentic self , dude and , and just go from there and it's your person that's like there is someone out there for everyone .
Right . Like , whether it comes to like our partners or Children or careers or where we live . And so what do you think about that concept ?