Rob Mack Virtual

Exactly . So the challenging opportunity is to enjoy everything you're doing more by thinking less and feeling more , by thinking less and enjoying more , less and feeling more . I love that .

Rob Mack Virtual

Yeah , because you're thinking a lot and you're worrying a lot and you're not loving yourself and all these other things . But a lot of it is just that you're entering rooms or entering buildings or entering spaces where people are deeply unhappy or very stretched out or very worried or very sad and you're picking up on all of that , you know , so it's an incredible blessing , but it's also an incredible challenge and , and almost , almost a curse . I wouldn't call it a curse , but a challenge .

Rob Mack Virtual

But really , it's emotion , emotion is way more contagious than anything else on the planet is . And we know that based on science that just through a phone call , just through a text or an email , people can feel the emotion coming through screen or through the phone . And so it's just critical , especially now for those of us who um want to be happy , who like being happy to do everything we can to commit to being happy because that happiness shared is love .

Rob Mack Virtual

And um or you read the news or you notice how people are thinking and feeling , you notice you , we we often are convinced that this pandemic and this virus is like the biggest most contagious thing on the on the planet . But really , it's emotion , emotion is way more contagious than anything else on the planet is . And we know that based on science that just through a phone call , just through a text or an email , people can feel the emotion coming through screen or through the phone .

Rob Mack Virtual

I wanted to do all these things and you start to accomplish some of those things . And then you realize they don't breathe the happiness that you want and you start seeing through the facade that is the world and you're like , what's going on ? Why am I not happy the way other people seem happy who've accomplished similar things or maybe not even quite as much .