Rob Mack Virtual

I wanted to do all these things and you start to accomplish some of those things . And then you realize they don't breathe the happiness that you want and you start seeing through the facade that is the world and you're like , what's going on ? Why am I not happy the way other people seem happy who've accomplished similar things or maybe not even quite as much .

Rob Mack Virtual

It's amazing how much peace and bliss and happiness is there already . And it's interesting how hard we make this happiness thing . I mean , I'm mostly , I'd say most of my life , I routed happiness through , you know , beautiful things and beautiful people and through , you know , nice cars and through money and we all love all those things .

Rob Mack Virtual

And then you realize they don't breathe the happiness that you want and you start seeing through the facade that is the world and you're like , what's going on ? Why am I not happy the way other people seem happy who've accomplished similar things or maybe not even quite as much . And So it took me a long time .

Rob Mack Virtual

We're all open to receiving all of those things . And it's not a problem until you start to pin your happiness to things to people and to places and then you're unhappy when you don't have that thing , you're right or you're afraid of losing those things . And so , you know , there's a , there's a , there's a happiness that requires less effort .

Rob Mack Virtual

I found this program at Penn , the Masters of Applied Positive Psychology program , which is just , it's an Ivy League degree that's focused on the science of happiness . Like what makes people happy , what doesn't make people happy , what makes people successful , what doesn't make them successful . So I entered that program and whatnot .