GDL Steven Benedict

Um , but sounds like you see the , like the blessings of all of it . Where did you get that mindset to see ? Like what you went through was like , great for you .

GDL Steven Benedict

Thank you very much for having me guys . I appreciate it . So you're an athlete .

GDL Steven Benedict

Yes , I have two of them on order for you guys . Thank you so much . Um Talk to me about how this came about .

GDL Steven Benedict

I'm good . Thank you very much for having me guys . I appreciate it .

GDL Steven Benedict

Uh So you're uh do you , you do it all , you ride , you , you , you , you talk about the foster system like how OK , get me to the book . I actually what rewinds where did the mindset come from ? Because you came from , you know , uh , a background where a lot of us may not have had .