Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

What's good to say , what's not good to say ? Can loved ones intervene when someone is in crisis ? Yes , I love that question and it all comes down to validation .

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

We got to wrap up really quickly . You mentioned family , friends , loved ones . What do we do when we hear people coming to us with that ?

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

So people want you to listen . I think when someone is coming to you in crisis , they want you to just hear them out and not give feedback because they do need that ear to lend on . They do need someone to just listen because when you're just saying you'll get over it , you'll be OK .

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

Also as an immediate you bring up an important point is to seek someone you really trust . Also , this could be an immediate friend or family member that you feel you can reach out to . Because a lot of the times people may feel , again , it comes back to shame and guilt and sharing how we feel .

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

He left behind a suicide note at the scene alluding to past challenges in his life . Those ations of this stunning , of course death has triggered an outpour of love and grief from Hollywood stars , family friends fans whose lives were touched by Twitch . Yes .