Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

Thank you so much for talking about a really tough topic but something that is important to address . So doctor , I want to start with you the type of feelings that people are dealing with that are suicidal . Can you tell us about that ?

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

And I think I wanted to mention that receiving help is a sign of strength and not weakness because I think a lot of people feel embarrassed or , or in denial of getting the help or just saying that I need help . So incredible tools out there , there's the 988 also text that you could the suicide crisis hotlines and psychology today dot com is also a great resource to research psychologists or therapist in your area . And there's definitely help out there and you're not alone .

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

Yes . So just what can this tragedy teach us to help save other lives at risk ? Joining us now to help us with some of those questions is a pair of experts on the subject of depression and mental health , licensed clinical psychologist and speaker regime , Mora and also live via Zoom .

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

What's good to say , what's not good to say ? Can loved ones intervene when someone is in crisis ? Yes , I love that question and it all comes down to validation .

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

And despite accomplishing those things , I continued to feel more and more depressed and suicidal on the inside . And so I got to a place where I was contemplating suicide , dozens and dozens of times a day and I couldn't understand why . And I had trouble with gratitude for very simple things .