Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

What's good to say , what's not good to say ? Can loved ones intervene when someone is in crisis ? Yes , I love that question and it all comes down to validation .

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

That's not enough that's not validating , that actually makes them feel invalidated and not heard . So just being there for them and offering that help or even supporting them and getting the help that they need . Well , Dr Murad Robert MC , we appreciate you so much for being here and talking with us and our viewers about this .

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

Well , Dr Murad Robert MC , we appreciate you so much for being here and talking with us and our viewers about this . If you or a loved one need mental health dial 988 for help , for more mental health support tips from Regine . And she also has a children's book , you can visit regime mera dot com for more life coach , resources from Rob , Visit coach , Rob Mack dot com .

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

We got to wrap up really quickly . You mentioned family , friends , loved ones . What do we do when we hear people coming to us with that ?

Suicide Prevention with KTLA 5 #RipTwitch

Also as an immediate you bring up an important point is to seek someone you really trust . Also , this could be an immediate friend or family member that you feel you can reach out to . Because a lot of the times people may feel , again , it comes back to shame and guilt and sharing how we feel .