The Secret to Happiness with Robert Mack

So , in other words , success doesn't lead to happiness . Happiness does lead to success and happy people intuitively know that even if they don't know the research around it , there's a very strong good sense within them , that happiness is up to them and it's their choice . And so they actively actually practice leaning into more constructive , more supportive thoughts and stories about everything that's happening to , to , to them or you know , happening in their life .

The Secret to Happiness with Robert Mack

Let's dive a little bit more into happiness . Um At a baseline , how would you define happiness ? Because when I think about happiness , I think about it in of it being something that's fluid .

The Secret to Happiness with Robert Mack

So break it down a little . So um the one thing we know for sure about happy people is that they know and they live out this truth , that success doesn't lead to happiness . So they don't seek their happiness in success .

The Secret to Happiness with Robert Mack

Um At a baseline , how would you define happiness ? Because when I think about happiness , I think about it in of it being something that's fluid . Um Is there a universal standard for happiness ?

The Secret to Happiness with Robert Mack

Sometimes you're not the only thing that really ever gets in the way of it is thoughts and the associated feelings uh that we have . And so happiness is never out of reach . You're , it's always closer to you than your own hands and feet near to you than your own breathing .