I'm super excited . We have a guest called Robert Mack and I , I just cannot wait to dive into uh this , this topic of happiness . Uh He is an expert in this field and I'm gonna let him share uh a lot about just his research , his , his work in this space .
I mean , all of us on our day to day lives say , hey , we want to be happy , right ? But what does it really take to be happy ? Uh So Robert tell , tell , tell everybody a little bit about yourself , you know how you got involved in this , this line of work and yeah , just take it away .
So , in other words , success doesn't lead to happiness . Happiness does lead to success and happy people intuitively know that even if they don't know the research around it , there's a very strong good sense within them , that happiness is up to them and it's their choice . And so they actively actually practice leaning into more constructive , more supportive thoughts and stories about everything that's happening to , to , to them or you know , happening in their life .
Because when I think about happiness , I think about it in of it being something that's fluid . Um Is there a universal standard for happiness ? Yeah .
Speaking , let , let's go . Let's dive a little bit more into happiness . Um At a baseline , how would you define happiness ?